Another Week Of Glorious Cinema Is Upon Us…

As the weather warms up we become happy. As new movies keep hitting the video store we become happier. Nuff Said…let’s take a look! Marines stationed at an airfield in Malay during WWII get wind of a coming raid by the Japanese. Unable to get reinforcements approved, they engage in a harrowing 3-day battle against […]

Analog Horror Returns To The Shop With The Latest VHS…

Well another week and the weather sucks again. Thank God for Movies! So let’s take a look and see what is hitting the shop shall we? Back In Stock! A fine Kubrick Triple Feature Set Back In Stock! A fine 4 pack of Critters. Barry McKenzie is a die-hard Aussie who is sent to England […]

And The Movies Keep On Coming…

Another week and the videostore keeps on trucking with new, old, and bizarre cinema. Let’s not waste time and get right to it… BACK IN STOCK. A father and son, both coroners, are pulled into a complex mystery while attempting to identify the body of a young woman, who was apparently harboring dark secrets. AndrĂ© […]

Another Week Of Video Store Cinema…

The days keep on rolling with new cinema needing to be watched or maybe an old cult classic to be rewatched…let’s see what we got this week. A sweet four pack of cinema to start. Serial Mom and Very Bad Things are worth it alone. The best selling 5 pack of death killing young people […]

A Week Of Fun Cinema Coming To The Shop Including a Hypnotic Cat…

Another week, another shipment of goodness coming to the shop. One film specifically the shop is intrigued with is a hidden gen from the 1960s all about a cat that can hypnotize ya. I have heard about the Cassandra Cat for years and now am excited to bring it into the shop. Let’s see what […]

This Week Spice Up Your Life At The Videostore…

Every now and then a film that has been looong out of print gets rescued by a random company and finally becomes available on physical media again. Whether they are good movies or simply guilty pleasures it is always nice to see them return to the shelves of the old videostore. This week it is […]

This Week The Doctor Is In…

Well kids…lots of sweet cinema is coming in this week but no doubt in my mind the biggest excitement for pure cheesy 90s that has been out of print for years and finally returns to the videostore is the 1992 beauty DR. GIGGLES staring the late great Larry Drake! Dated? Yes. Cheesy? Yes. Fun as […]

Bad Santas and Sofas Hit The Shop…

A new month is upon us and the random slices of cinema keep crashing into the old videostore. I could tell you more but let’s just take a look shall we… Near the Arctic Circle researchers detonate a nuclear device and unwittingly thaw a prehistoric beast frozen for millions of years. The monster leaves a […]

This Week Cinema Arrives …From Beyond.

As another month winds down a new one begins and the videostore is excited that it starts with a beautiful new reissued edition of Stuart Gordon’s fantastic follow up to Re-Animator with HP Lovecraft’s FROM BEYOND. Begging to come back into circulation for quite some time it returns to the shop along with a slew […]