As the winter rages on in our city it’s nice to say the videostore still wants to be your escqape for your sweet movie needs. And starting this week the shop wants to add not only to your movie collection but amazing artwork for you to display reflecting the fine cinema you enjoy renting, buying, and watching.

As some of you may or may not know the logo for the shop itself was a designed by my good friend and locally known tattoo artist CHRIS LABRENZ. Aside from being a brilliant tattoo artist in our city Chris is also a passionate horror/sci-fi and straight up pop culture nerd like the rest of us. But unlike most of us he has a talent for art and has made some amazing work over the years that are worthy to be displayed in any movie nerd’s house or apartment.

The number question I have gotten over the years aside from movie ones is where can I buy decent posters or art in this city? Honestly, the old poster shops are slowly all but gone and usually it forces me to just say “the internet”. I wish I did not have to. I wanna help you the customer and also keep things local.

That’s when it hit me. I have seen my friend Chris selling his artwork at conventions including our own film festival DEDFEST over the years but so many people swing by the shop, see a piece of his art and ask “Kev! I need that Shining or Hellraiser print! Can you message your friend?”

Well, I did that a few times for some friends over the years but then I finally needed to tell Chris…”We need to sell your amazing shit in the shop!” That was yesterday.

So with nothing more that Chris basically saying “It’s about you asked me my friend” starting this week the shop will be selling some amazing nerd work that you can proudly display in your homes and know that is made by a local artist that breaths the same style of nerd love that we all do.

Now these glorious reprints are 11″ by 17″ and will be selling for 20 bucks each! A sweet price to jazz up your home. I do suggest getting some decent frames to make them look even better!

As you can till by the pics the art ranges from straight up horror/ sci-fi to simply cult classic comedy and twisted goodness. Basically it’s exactly what the idea of the shop has been for years.

From Jason and Freddy To Bill and Ted the man has made sure his artwork has something for everyone with every taste. And once you buy one you will want to collect them all because the art concepts are original and let’s be honest…simply stunning.

To add to the temptation of collecting these pieces of genre goodness for the first week they hit the shop everytime you buy one of Chris’ prints you will receive one free rental or 5 dollars off of a movie purchase!

So for every Scream Factory or Arrow Video Edition of a cult classic movie you buy in the future make sure to grab a beautiful print to accompany the film aswell.

And always remember Chris will be working hard down the road creating new and wonderful prints of more movies that we cherish from back in the day or possibly the latest more modern cult classic cinema and you know that THE LOBBY DVD SHOP will be the first to let you know about this exciting work.

So remember kids, this week another new piece of goodness has arrived to the shop and we have Edmonton’s own Chris Labrenz to thank for that! So swing on by through out the week and think about the art that has been displayed in this article and ask yourself…which one do I need the most? Personally I’m looking forward to having the Clockwork Orange one on my wall soon enough but we all have our own personal favourites. What’s Yours?

And incase you were wondering I have had a couple of Chris’ pieces proudly displayed in my private home for a years. And yes…one was obviously gonna be JAWS because it’s the greatest movie ever made. Just my opinion ofcourse. Anyways thanks for reading and we’ll see you soon at the videostore! Much luv and cheers as always!